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Bi Luo Chun Junbucha

Recently one of our tea loving customer reached out to us via Facebook messenger and us asked for some green tea recommendation for brewing Junbucha.
A little on Junbucha ... also known as Jun Tea - a ferment made with honey and green tea instead of black tea and sugar (which is what Kombucha is made of). Fun fact: Jun Tea is also known as the “Champagne of Kombucha”!
We recommended Annie the Bi Luo Chun from our Pure Tea collection as we felt that it was a very delicate but yet flavourful green tea and based on it's flavour profile, it would work well with some fermentation. 
We were so pleased to hear back from Annie that her version of Junbucha ( Please Note: Annie feeds her scoby with raw sugar instead of honey. Officially, Junbucha is made by feeding scoby with honey) made with Bi Luo Chun turned out well! In her own words, “Bi Luo Chun is a very nice tea. It’s very smooth and sweet. It does not have any bitter after taste. I did a second fermentation with apple … very nice when chilled. My family like the taste and it tastes better with Bi Luo Chun than the Japanese green tea I tried previously.” 
We were even more thrilled when she told us her children loved it too! She was extremely kind to even share with us her homemade recipe and we thought for the sake of spreading the love of tea, we’ll share it with all of you too! 
Here you go!
Annie’s Recipe
Please Note: Annie feeds her scoby with raw sugar instead of honey. Officially, Junbucha is made by feeding scoby with honey. 
700ml @ 90°C hot water
3grams of Bi Luo Chun (Chinese green tea)
3 tablespoon raw sugar (for authentic Junbucha, replace with honey)
100ml starter
1 Jun Scoby
Leave for 4 days (or hints of sourish).
Remove scoby and add 1 apple for another 2 days

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