Tea News - It's Tea Time! — pure tea
Morning (Tea) Routine

It's been said that mornings are a critical time to develop your mindset for the day and plan your schedule. What's your thought on this? What I love most about being an entrepreneur is that I get the freedom to decide and dictate my work schedule, specifically no 8-5 or 9-5 hours but of course that means more erratic working hours e.g. late nights and / or weekends, but we leave that for another time. I love to start my work morning at home, for the first couple of hours. This allows me to get my inbox to zero (or close enough), work...
Why drink pure tea?

Pure teas refer to any tea that comes from only one tea estate or garden. Also known as single-estate teas. In the words of Mary Lou & Robert J. Heiss, “Single-estate teas are the “single-malt Scotches” of the tea world – unblended.” -------- For those of us who have been around in the world of tea recently, we have taken note that the pure tea (a.k.a single-estate tea) movement is spreading fast in Singapore. How Is Pure Tea Different? Pure tea (a.k.a single-estate tea) is different from blended tea (e.g. Earl Grey / Breakfast Tea) because pure tea leaves come from only one...